Increase your wisdom & intelligenceIncrease your wisdom & intelligence
respecting uncertainty, doubting oneself, and realizing the limitations of my mind, but I think we can do better.
Maybe even take a few steps forward.

More importantly, I think we can create our definition that separates it from just mere intelligence and then use

that definition to illustrate why the distinction matters and how we can practically engage it in everyday life.

Intelligence is commonly associated with knowing something. Often, it also means that we can confidently apply what we know in a particular context.

Wisdom, to me, is different. It’s different because it has more dimensions. Wisdom not only knows, but it also

understands. And the distinction between knowing and understanding is what makes things interesting.

Knowing is generally factual. You have learned a particular kind of knowledge and you know its truth as it applies to a particular problem.

Understanding, however, is more fluid. You have learned a particular kind of knowledge, but you don’t see it as a fact

or a truth applied rigidly to one thing. Rather, you understand that knowledge’s essence and you can see how it

relates to everything else, with nuances and contradictions included.

The difference is subtle but potent. While intelligence gives you specific utility, wisdom inspires flexible versatility. It

provides a more textured lens for interacting with reality, very much changing how you think.

Building relational knowledge| Wisdom and intelligence similarities| Wisdom vs intelligence examples| Intelligence and Wisdom difference|

Every time you have a perspective shift, big or small, you gain knowledge.

You learn something new that you maybe didn’t know before, and as a result, your mind then changes itself
regarding whatever that knowledge pertains to in the future. Next time, there is an added clarity.

If the acquired knowledge is understood, rather than just known, however, there is another step that occurs every time your mind shifts.

If you’re a student, for example, and you’re writing an exam, and it’s a difficult one, let’s say you decide to cheat.

Now, unfortunately, when you cheat, you get caught. It leads to a failing grade in the course.

The thing to learn from this experience that would add to your intelligence would be the fact that cheating on an

exam has consequences, and those consequences, while improbable, have a disproportionately negative impact on

your life. It’s simply not worth it in the future. Increase your wisdom & intelligence.

The extra step that would translate the intelligence in that particular scenario into broadly applicable wisdom would
be to realize that not only is it not worth cheating on an exam due to the harsh consequences, but that most things in
the world that carries disproportionately costly risks should be approached cautiously, whether they be financial decisions or personal life choices.

This is, of course, a very simplified scenario, but the point is that knowledge is relational and the understanding of

wisdom recognizes that rather than treating it simply as an isolated information point.

what is the relationship between intelligence and wisdom| Difference between wisdom and intelligence essay|

In network science, there is a now-famous effect called Metcalfe’s law.

It was first used to describe the growth of telecommunication networks, but over time, the application has been

extended beyond that. It essentially states that the value of a network rises with the number of connected users.

In any network, each thing of interest is a node and the connection between such things is a link. The number of
nodes themselves don’t necessarily reflect the value of a network, but the number of links between those nodes does.

For example, ten independent phones by themselves aren’t really all that useful. What makes them useful is the

connection that they have to other phones. And the more they are connected to other phones, the more useful they are because the more access they have to each other.

Well, the relationship between different kinds of knowledge in our mind works the same way. The more connected

they are to each other, the more valuable the information network that we have in our brain is.

Every time you gain knowledge, you are either isolating it within a narrow context where it’s addressing a particular

problem, or you are breaking it down a little further so that you can connect that knowledge to the already existing information you’ve accumulated so far.

In this scenario, intelligence is found within a pocket of information by itself. Wisdom, however, is accumulated in the process of creating new links. Increase your wisdom & intelligence.

Each node of knowledge in your mind is a mental model of some aspect of reality, but that mental model isn’t fully

complete until it’s been stripped down and re-contextualized in light of the information contained in the other mental models of knowledge around.

The takeaway

While not everyone’s definition of wisdom is the same, it doesn’t seem too far-fetched to distinguish it by a mode of

deeper understanding. One that goes beyond just the knowing we commonly associate with intelligence.

When we think of the acquisition of intelligence, we think of new information inspired by a perspective shift that tells us the truth about one aspect of reality.

Wisdom goes further than that. It strips that same information down to its essence so that it can relate to the

underlying principle of that knowledge to the existing information network that exists in the mind.

It’s the connectedness of this network that separates it from mere intelligence.

The more links between each pocket of information, the more valuable the whole network will be when tackling any

other problem. It adds an extra dimension to each mental model contained in the mind.

By admin

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