Binding Hex For Enemies. There is one who doesn’t earn some enemies with the success, actually growing towards success means you have earned some enemies. These enemies always create a problem to stop you do something good in your life. Take the help of the Binding for Enemy and let him work according to your wish. The list below is by no means all-inclusive, please feel free to inquire about a service if you do not see it listed. *Disclaimer: Please note that we provide are based on psychic abilities and traditional healing. It is not an exact science. As such results may vary. Does the enemy Hex always work?|What are binding charms and how do they work?|Is it bad to bind two people together by Hex?|How do you get rid of a binding?! Binding Hex for Enemies . The binding enemy is a confession that has you speak against the enemy to bring full restoration into your life. You must fight back bind your enemies and win. With this hex, it keeps all your enemies away from you and it prevents all the bad things that might come. And prevents all the harm that might come to you. Binding spells for enemies is an amazing hex that doesn’t only prevent you from your enemies but also your friends who are pretending to be your close people but in reality when they are casting or planning something evil on you. This Ritual uses a compact that consists of two mirrors to re-contain the image of the enemy and all his or her evil doings who might be attacking you. The magic behind this hex is that the image of your enemy is trapped between the two mirrors and transforms the energy from negative to positive as well as keeps the person’s distance. So it can never reach you and if the enemy persists the evil will turn back to him or her in a more powerful way than the power that the enemy sent it from. So cast this spell to prevent yourself from enemies that might send to you. How to cast binding Ritual for enemies Requirements needed for this hex include: 4 red candles Two red mirrors Red cloth Photograph of your enemies Binding spells Enemy This is when binding Rituals for enemies is done I have many spells for enemies and this is one of them so cast it you will never regret. Light the candles Take a photograph of your enemy Place it between the two red mirrors Put the red cloth down If the mirror is too red then snap the photograph. Binding Hex for Enemies