To Make Someone Think Of You SpellTo Make Someone Think Of You Spell

To Make Someone Think Of You.Have been with men from the early times to the present. If you are interested in

promoting love and creating passion, this is your hex. The fastest way how to make someone think of you is through

casting. All human beings have a magical side and women seem to have been endowed with more skills in doing it than men.

If you are interested in promoting love and creating passion, this is yours. The fastest way how to make someone

think of you is through casting. All human beings have a magical side and women seem to have been endowed with

more skills in doing it than men. You can try this in the comforts of your living room.

The Nightfall Think of Me  Share it with your witchy friends! This will make your loved one, or your desired one, think of you two all day and night.

The fastest way is through casting. All human beings have a magical side and women seem to have been endowed with more skills in doing it than men. You can try this charm in the comforts of your living room. For this, you will need your lover’s photo, a red candle, and a red ribbon.

How to make someone think of you through ?|How to make someone think of You?|How to make someone think of you all day and night?|How to make someone think of you fast?|

Do you have a secret crush? Wouldn’t it be great if you could have that person think about you in the same way you

are thinking about them? Well, that’s exactly what the following can do for you. This makes

thoughts about you “grow” in the other person’s mind. This Ritual can be used both for people who you are not yet in a relationship with or someone who you are already dating but doesn’t seem quite as interested yet.

Before you use this Ritual make sure that you want the person to spend time thinking about you. There is the

old saying “Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it”. These are words to carefully consider

when you are casting love. It is after all easier to get someone to think about you than to get them to stop

thinking about you once they are cast. You have been warned – act wisely!

What You Will Need For The  To Make Someone Think About You

    • A pot of soil to grow seeds in
    • One penny (or other copper coin)
    • A packet of seeds

How to cast the  to make someone think about you

Step 1: Wait for a night when the moon is full. On this night take your pot of soil and your penny and place them so that they are both in direct sight of the moon.

Step 2: Bury your coin deep within the soil.

Step 3: Bury the seeds above the coin but arrange them in such a way that they spell out the initials of the person that you want to have think about you.

As you do this cast the following incantation over the seeds:

“By the Goddess Venus and the light of the moon,
In my love mind have thoughts of me bloom.”

Step 4: Place the pot in a place where it will be a direct connection to the moon. For example, sitting on a window sill.

Step 5: Make sure to nurture the seeds by feeding them water and allowing them direct sunlight. As you nurture the seeds so too will you nurture the thoughts of you in the mind of the person that you secretly adore.

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