Sex and Love Hex. Casting Instructions for ‘Sex and Love ’ Sit on the floor with crossed legs and a candle in front of you. Light the candle and say this spell 4-5 times during the night. “Sex is what I want, love is what I need so let me have sex with (person name you want you have a relationship with) so mote it be. The list below is by no means all-inclusive, please feel free to inquire about a service if you do not see it listed. *Disclaimer: Please note that we provide are based on psychic abilities and traditional healing. It is not an exact science. As such results may vary. Sit on the floor crossed legs and candle in front of you. Light the candle and say this spell 4-5 times during the night. How does a sex love work?|How to cast a love hex?|What is the Great Sex Lifecasting?| “Sex is what I want, love is what I need so let me have sex with (persons name you want you have a relationship with) so mote it be.” Say this spell 4-5 times before you go to bed first you and the person you want to have a relationship with will have dreams of each other. Side Effects: *Seeing thing(email me what you see during the night)*feverish*Bruises on your arms neck thighs and shoulders(something like hickeys but more weirder)*Horny*Nausea (depends on the person) By the way, this ritual can also make the person you like say if it was a character from a fictional movie real so be careful okay we don’t want a whole heap of weird people running around saying stuff that people don’t want to hear so please be careful!